Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Mayor's Theme for 2009 -- January Postings

Mayor's Theme for 2009

City of Brea

Each incoming Mayor establishes a theme and logo for his or her year as mayor. Serving as your Mayor in 2004, my theme was to recognize Brea as a "Community of Neighborhoods."

As your incoming Mayor for 2009, my theme for the year and its accompanying logo (shown above) is intended to reflect the Spirit of Brea which sets it apart as a special community and great place to live and work.

RESIDENT COMMENTS: When comments are received, they will be posted in color along with the date posted. Additions and/or revisions to this blog are shown with the date posted.
People Make Brea Special ...

Caring About the Safety of Neighbors...

The recent November wildfires provide numerous examples by which many Breans and local businesses stepped up to make a difference, truly reflecting that special Spirit that sets Brea apart. This brings to mind a Brea contractor that I know, Kent Forde, XL Construction, who, when the fires rapidly approached Brea homes, jumped into his truck and literally "Headed for the Hills!" to assist in any way he could, which included aiding fire fighters in fighting the flames. Thank you, Kent for demonstrating that Spirit of Brea that truly makes a difference.

Volunteers Make Brea Special ...

Salvation Army Bell Ringers...
Something else that makes Brea a special place are its volunteers. Shown in adjacent photo are Brea Lions Ron Taylor, Tom Rhine, and Andy Ronquillo, who have volunteered their time to ring the Salvation Army bell in front of J.C. Penny at the Brea Mall. It's that spirit of caring that makes Brea special.

If you know of other stories or community events that set Brea apart that help make it special for you and your family, please let me know so I can publish it on this blog and share it with others. When doing so, please give me permission to use your name ... and include photos, if available. Take this opportunity to share with others what Brea means to you.

Events Make Brea Special ...

Downtown Brea is Special...

One such event that sets Brea apart is the Pacific Symphony performing in Downtown Birch Street (photos). We had the pleasure and enjoyment of their Symphony in the Cities for a second year, in August 2008 and 2007. It was reported that over 1,000 people came out to enjoy the music. I am hoping and striving for a third year.

The evening’s finale concluded with a brilliant display of fireworks (photo).

My wife, Sharon, snapped this photo of me with Brea's Fire Chief, Al Nero. Al's wife Ricky was also in attendance.

Eagle Hills' Annual Holiday Lights...

Marcus and Cathie Gallo write: My wife, son and I currently reside in the Eagle Hills area and a prime example of "Spirit of Brea" was all the Eagle Hills residents who continue to decorate for the holidays for the thousands of cars and people that make the annual pilgrimage to see the lights and beautiful decorated houses. It does not come easy, all of the neighbors had to take the time sometimes days of work to complete their houses, some chipped in money to have their houses decorated. We all have electricity bills that are in some cases several hundred dollars on top of what we already pay. The fact that all these folks spent the time, money to make this another great “free” holiday event is nothing short of a great community act- “Spirit of Brea” by the people of Brea.

I talked to so many families who visited some for the first time and some who have been making the trip to visit for over 20+ consecutive years. Aside from all the thank you gestures and picture taking they ask one common question: Why do all the neighbors do this? some asking if we were obligated by an association. My response to them was that this neighborhood has tremendous holiday spirit and this one time of year we all come together one way or another to put smiles on peoples faces, make children/families happy and continue a holiday tradition.

This year was more special then ever. All of this was done, despite all the worries people had on their minds: the fires, the economy (jobs, can they afford to decorate and pay the electricity bill), falling home prices, investment losses etc. This neighborhood showed their “Spirit” and put forth an act that made people forget about difficult times for a little while and smile (a little difficult for many given the environment we are in).

This is a great example that you should highlight as the "Spirit of Brea". (Posted 1/27/09)

Places Make Brea Special...

Theatre and the Arts set Brea apart....

The Prim Family describes it this way: I sincerely hope that we will always have room for THEATRE and Brea's Stagelight Family Productions in our City. Our daughter loves performing in the Curtis Theatre. She has been in Joseph, Annie and Music Man. The Director Janice Krauss and Brea's Community Center have a great relationship and it is "ALL FOR THE KIDS!" It's such a gift to the children to be able to experience the stage and have opportunity to shine in their community. These memories are treasures for the future Brea generation! (posted 1/21/09)

Erin Johnnie states: ...the Curtis Theater is very important to many families in Brea and that the different shows and programs from the theater (Stagelight

Publicly Acclaimed "Art of Public Places" sets Brea apart... 

Brea's Art in Public Places: "Mustangs"
What about you? What makes Brea special for you and yours?

Will the Economic Downturn Make A Difference?

The economic downturn facing our Nation & State means less revenue for cities to provide and maintain the services and programs we have come to enjoy and expect as Breans, thus making 2009 a year of budget cuts and challenges! This potential reduction in community programs and city services, makes it particularly important to define and preserve those things that embody the Spirit of Brea in 2009. Economic forces will shape Brea with or without us, and the Brea that emerges at the end of 2009 will be the Brea that we will all have to live with for years to come. That is why I am inviting you to submit your ideas and photos regarding what the Spirit of Brea means to you...

Budget Workshop... (rev. 1/26)

The City of Brea held a budget workshop at the Community Center on Saturday, January 24th from 8:00 a.m. to noon. The purpose of the workshop was to hear your budget ideas and priorities as a resident. About 60 people participated by sharing their ideas. The top values listed by almost all participants including 1. Public Safety; 2. Maintaining that Small Town feeling; 3. Maintaining programs and services to the extent possible. If you did not attend but have an idea or suggestion that you would like to submit, you can e-mail it to us: tellus@cityofbrea.net.

What Makes Brea Special for You?

There are many things that set Brea apart and capture the essence of the Spirit of Brea. It can be as simple as the level of services we have come to expect; the city employees that we interface with; the professionalism of our police and fire services. All these things make Brea what it is: a great place to live, work, play, and go to school. What does it mean to you as a resident?

Join me....

You are invited to submit your "Spirit of Brea" thoughts and ideas by email to me at: johnbeauman2@aol.com

PS: To view a copy of my monthly newsletter visit www.johnbeauman2.blogspot.com